Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wishing and Waiting

Did you ever experience the "wishing and hoping" feeling? You wish and hope that you could do this or accomplish that but sadly life is just too unfair. If I had a nickel every time I thought of how I should have done something so that I could be on stage performing or a master chef. Is this truly a bout how unfair life is or is it just me being lazy again?
For several years I tried different sports and hobbies hoping that something would fit me. So far I took gymnastics, swimming, volleyball, badminton, tennis, musical theater, voice lessons, drum lessons, soccer and even baking but only 2 from the above mentioned floats my boat. How do you know when to pursue something or when to just let it be? Being 15 I cannot say that I've had experienced a lot of trying things that were not really meant to be for me but I know my parents had enough of me and my "lessons".
Even if I am inclined to kitchen duty and racket sports I've always wanted to learn the art of ballet. Ballet being a predominantly woman's scene, I feel that I shouldn't even touch that subject if I don't want to get kicked-out from the house but something draws me close to it. The art of ballet is so flawless and so precise that only one wrong movement can turn a marvelous performance into a fiasco I guess the perfection of the dance draws me close to this art. I believe that I could have done good in ballet because of my flexible body and my being a perfectionist. Sadly we would never know because of my "shoulda, woulda, couldas".

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