Monday, August 13, 2007

Happiness is Obselete

The sun hits my eyes, there isn't cloud in the sky and I stop to marvel at the breeze at it cools my body. I ask myself this question "Is this true happiness?"

Is happiness physical or more spiritual? Will I know what true happiness is even if it hits me in the face? Not even the great Aristotle, Plato or the other great philosophers could have truly explained what happiness is. In my personal opinion happiness can take the form of countless things and is different for every person. Each person is unique therefore each person has different descriptions on what happiness is for them. Happiness could range from a simple breeze to having sex for as long as there is an absence of the "bad" in that instance. Personally happiness is simply sharing anything at all with the one you love.

Different points of view makes happiness a great discussion when you just want to strike a conversation among friends and family.

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