Monday, August 20, 2007

Red with Shame

Cold sweat drips from my scalp down to my face as I line up. The tension is seen on my face, my forehead crunched up, my mouth bitting my lip and my vision fading. The woman yells "Again!". My knees weaken as I fall in line once more. "Take your seats we will start from the top" she commands. I take my seat on the pew. "One more time and do it right!". with my hands cold I force myself to my feet to once again stand in line. "No more" I say to myself, "I can't take it anymore!". My head drenched in sweat, my hands cold as ice, my legs irritable and my bladder overflowing I pee. I try not to alarm her but my teacher notices the puddle that surrounds my feet. My cheeks glow, no they burn. "I wish I wasn't there, I wish I were just hung by the neck on a post or god please just take me now" I say to myself. They stared, the class didn't laugh they just stared. Thank goodness it was just a practice for the communion and I was just in the second grade but never will I forget the day I urinated on the floor of god's house.

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