Sunday, July 15, 2007

My Worst Nightmare

My worst nightmare includes a person breaking up with me and this was very recent therefore replacing my nightmare with the infinite hallways wherein I cannot get out. Lets go to My worst nightmare, I noticed that really bad nightmares happen when you're sick or feeling bad because in my personal experience with bad nightmares is that when I get a nasty nightmare I usually don't wake up from it right away and when I do, I find out that I am sick or have something wrong with me.
Last July 7, I fall into a deep slumber after a long night of parting with my brother as it was his 20th birthday. At first, nothing, then I see a setting, School! I run toward it but I know in my gut that something is not right. And there it was, standing in the center of the school's big field, the person I loved oh so much that there is no explaining how deep my love for that person was. I run toward the person finding a rose in the person's hand it say "thanks!" and hug the person. We got out of the subdivision and had a great time together. It was like a dream-come-true. We went to the mall shopped till we dropped then went to the beach riding an airplane and we were the only people who occupied the beach. We had the time of our lives. We even stayed in one room...(we shared happy moments in that room). We had a romantic dinner by the beach watching the sunset. The perfect date. After the romantic days, I thought to my self that life is sweet. My date approaches me and kisses my cheek, I smile. Then the bad part happens, I say that we have to go home and that we have our lives to attend to but my date says "Life here is fine. I've got money that will last lifetimes and nobody will ever interfere with our lives for the rest of eternity." Sadly I chose to go home because I know that our relationship will strengthen if we had a stable foundation for our lives. Sadly the person, being so stubborn, stays and tries to stop me by using reason and lots of it. I watch the Island and the person in it as the plane takes-off into the sunset. Tears fall from my eyes down to my cheeks and splash into the large puddle that it already formed. I just couldn't feel happy. All I felt was grief and disbelief toward my decision. I was stupid. I wake-up from the nightmare with actual tears on my face and my temperature was 40 degrees Celsius. I had a high fever and a cough to boot. I'll miss that island and I'll miss my lover.

1 comment:

ygy said...

Hmmm… interesting dream. ;-)

Anyway, just a few more comments:
1. “Breaking up” does not have a hyphen in between the two words. The same goes for “wake up.”
2. Again, mind your punctuation please!
3. “Your” translates to a 2nd person possessive pronoun, while “you’re” is simply short for “you are.” Never mix up the two words and use them correctly.
4. Your tenses do not seem consistent throughout your whole blog. Please make sure that you use the same tense (whether present or past) in writing a narrative.
5. Sentence structures!