Sunday, July 1, 2007

Whats life on the other side?

At times I ponder on the on whether life after high school will be the same as life after it. Will it still have the same old kind people who greet you from day to day or will it still be strict as hell when I get out? Sometimes just thinking about it freaks me out because of the uncertainty ahead. Even if countless people you know who have experienced life outside high school say that it's the same old place just with different people, it will always be a different experience for different people.

A a graduating student from high school, the eagerness of graduating just gets to me even if i know that i will still be living under the rule of dear old mom and dad. As exciting as the thought may be I am also afraid of leaving high school or what some people call the fake or plastic world. Stepping out of high school will be like stepping out of my comfort zone or like leaving home for your first ever class outing, scared that your parents wont be there to guard every step you take. Now I am at the point of choosing my course for my college life which will direct my career life. Fear creeps over me as I look at colleges I pass by on the way to Manila. The fear is best described as the "stage-fright" fear (who would have know that there were different classifications of fear).

Although I am getting cold feet, the hope of a better life in the end comforts me and serves as my inspiration. As I look at college students freely walking their campus I feel at ease to find smiles on college students faces and their life looks so sweet and so the saying goes "You don't need to bite the doughnut to know its sweet".

1 comment:

ygy said...

Not bad. Just don't forget your punctuation and capitalization! (You might have forgotten your apostrophes and commas.) :-D The pronoun "I" is always capitalized.

"Fear creeps over me as I look at colleges I pass by on the way to Manila, the fear is best described as the "stage-fright" fear (who would have know that there were different classifications of fear)." --> You can still chop this into two sentences. Change your comma into a period.

Good luck on your plans! I expect great things from you in the future! :-)