Sunday, July 8, 2007

Philippine Politics

As usual, we cannot say that politics is dirty although we cannot say it's clean either. Without proof one ones misdoings we cannot convict him/her. With the past elections I have seen the Philippines degrading when it come to desperation of the politicians. Politicians need votes and they will get what they want to secure their position in the government. In the past election there have been reports of precincts being burned down, pol watchers dying, missing ballot boxes and vote buying. The sad part is that Filipino families suffer because of the greediness of the politicians. Whats even sadder is that people are pointing fingers at someone to blame like little kids. Is the Philippines, or better yet, is the world going back to the stone age when it comes to elections? Somehow cartoons, comic books and other fictional stories taught me that there always be a villain. Even some police men are getting judged of misconduct which lowers the credibility of the Philippine National Police.

“Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just.” -Blaise Pascal

What if they are not brought together? There will be power, which was given by the people, without justice. A world without justice is hell on earth. Politicians doing what they want without laws/rules to confine them.

Although some people may say its the people's fault that they voted for the stupid politician in the first place, there is still something we call "dagdag/bawas" this may be the dirtiest thing that a politician can do, add votes to himself/herself or subtract votes of the opponent. In this case it may wrong to blame the people on their choice.

I hope justice may be served to all.

1 comment:

ygy said...

Again, please mind your punctuation. "Its" is different from "it's." :-D

Take note of your spelling as well. It might just be carelessness from your end.

"Although some people may say its the peoples fault that they voted for the stupid politician in the first place, there is still something we call "dagdag/bawas" this may be the dirtiest thing that a politician can do, add votes to himself/herself or subtract votes of the opponent." --> This sentence is too stringy. Don't cram everything into a single statement!

Above all, learn to proofread. ;-)